World of Prayers Cookie Policy
We use cookies to enhance your experience on We currently don't have a way to opt out of using cookies, but don't really have a reason to either. We currently are not using any marketing or ads based cookies or tracking any of your personal data. If that doesn't sound acceptable, unfortunately, your only opt-out is to not use this site.
We use development frameworks that use cookies to enhance your experience on this website and only used to store site functionality settings. None of them are harvesting, tracking or selling your personal information.
This site specifically uses a cookie to track your very general location when anonymous users hit the "Send a Prayer" button. It is based on your ip address from Other than very general location for anonymous users, we don't store any personally identifiable information in cookies.
As an example, your current info as this website sees it:
IP Address:
Lat/Lng: 41.8758/-87.6206